Southeast Radar


Mobile AL - Radar Loop


Current Conditions in Fairhope

Temperature 74.7 °F
Temperature Trend +0.4°/hr.
Feels Like 72.7°
Duck Pond H₂O: °F
Relative Humidity 94%
Dew Point 72.9°F
Wet Bulb 73.4°F
Wind Direction WNW
Wind Speed 1.5 mph
Wind Gusting To 2.2 mph
Barometer 29.96 in.
Barometer Trend +0.011"/hr.
Rain Today 0.01 in.
Rain Rate Now 0.000 in./hr.
Rain Last Hour 0.00 in.
UV Index
Solar Luminance  lux
Solar Irradiance  W/m²
ClimaCell Pollen TS
Grass Pollen
Weed Pollen
Tree Pollen
Air Quality Index
Today's Weather
Max. Temperature 74.7° at 1:36 AM
Min. Temperature 74.3° at 12:00 AM
Max. Heat Index 74.7° at 1:36 AM
Min. Wind Chill 74.3° at 12:00 AM
Max. Wind Speed. 10.4 mph at 12:09 AM
Max. Rel.  Humidity 94% at 12:00 AM
Min. Rel. Humidity 94% at 12:00 AM
Max. Dew Point 72.9° at 1:36 AM
Min. Dew Point 72.5° at 12:00 AM
High Pressure 29.975" at 1:15 AM
Low Pressure 29.959" at 12:15 AM
Great Point Clear Station
Today's High Tide: 4:38 PM CDT 1.5 ft.
Tomorrow's High Tide: 5:27 PM CDT 1.6 ft.
Today's Low Tide: 6:22 AM CDT -0.0 ft.
Tomorrow's Low Tide: 7:21 AM CDT -0.2 ft.

Precipitation History

Rain Today 0.01 in.
Max. Rain Rate 0.031 in./hr. at 12:05 AM
Rain Yesterday 1.05 in.
Rain in Last 24hrs. 1.06
Rain in Last 7days 1.79 in.
Rain This Month 7.00 in.
Rain This Year 49.23 in.

Astronomical Info

Sun Rise 7/27/2024 at 6:06 am
Sun Set 7/27/2024 at 7:49 pm
Moon Rise 07/26/24 at 11:30 pm
Moon Set 07/27/24 at 12:46 pm
Moon Phase Waning Gibbous Moon

National Weather Service

Weather Underground Forecast

National Hurricane Center - Atlantic Feeds

About This Weather Station
Citizen's Weather Observer Program ID: KC5LIO - AR152
Weather Underground Station ID: KALFAIRH6
PWS Weather Station ID: KC5LIOWX
Station Latitude: 30.518259° North
Station Longitude: 87.817122° West
Station Elevation: 95 ft. AMSL
Instrumentation: AcuRite 01035 modified
Software: Weather Display
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