
61.0 °F
Temp Trend: -7.5°/hr.
Feels Like: 61.2°F
Duck Pond H₂O: °F
Rel. Humidity: 78%
Dew Point: 54.1°F
Wet Bulb: 57.2°F
Wind Direction: NW
Wind Speed: 0.0 mph
Wind Gusting: 0.0 mph
Barometer: 30.12 in.
Baro Trend: +0.003"/hr.
Lightning (3hr):
Rain Today: 0.00 in.
Rain Rate Now: 0.000 in./hr.
Rain Last Hour: 0.00 in.
Solar timestamp =
UV Index:
Luminance:  lux
Irradiance:  W/m²
Pollen timestamp =
Grass Pollen:
Weed Pollen:
Tree Pollen:
Air Quality:

Recent Records

Yesterday Today
80.4° at 2:29 PM < Max. Temperature > 82.0° at 2:36 PM
49.5° at 11:55 PM  < Min. Temperature > 47.1° at 6:02 AM
80.8° at 2:29 PM < Max. Heat Index > 82.8° at 2:36 PM
49.5° at 11:55 PM  < Min. Wind Chill > 47.1° at 6:02 AM
11.5 mph at 12:57 PM < Max. Wind Speed > 11.9 mph at 11:14 AM
91% at 12:00 AM < Max. Rel. Humidity > 93% at 6:06 AM
43% at 4:21 PM < Min. Rel. Humidity > 48% at 2:34 PM
62.3° at 1:22 PM < Max. Dew Point > 63.1° at 12:38 PM
45.4° at 7:11 AM < Min.. Dew Point > 44.9° at 6:02 AM
30.341" at 10:05 AM < High Pressure > 30.241" at 9:05 AM
30.206" at 4:41 PM < Low Pressure > 30.112" at 4:29 PM
6.5 at 12:15 PM < Max. UV Index > 6.5 at 12:32 PM
0.00 in. < Rain > 0.00 in.
0.00" in last 24 hours  •  0.00" in last 7 days < Rain Rates > 0.000 in./hr. at 00:00 AM
Last 24 Hours Graph Last 48 Hours Graph Last 72 Hours Graph
Historical Records
This Month   This Year
90.5° on 10/2 < Max. Temperature > 98.8° on 8/14
37.6° on 10/17 < Min. Temperature > 18.0° on 1/17
20.2 mph on 10/16 < Max. Wind Speed > 35.7 mph on 1/8
2.02" < Rain > 59.63"
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Fairhope, Alabama Forecast from Weather Underground
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Fairhope Facts (Auto Updated)

The next lunar eclipse will occur on March 14 2025 00:59:27 118%.
The next solar eclipse will occur on March 29 2025 04:06:46 62%.
Our average temperature so far this year is 68.8°F.

Great Point Clear, Alabama Tide Station
Today's High Tide: 4:38 PM CDT 1.5 ft.
Tomorrow's High Tide: 5:27 PM CDT 1.6 ft.
Today's Low Tide: 6:22 AM CDT -0.0 ft.
Tomorrow's Low Tide: 7:21 AM CDT -0.2 ft.

Weather Related News Headlines
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Hurricane Information Links Local Links
NHC Hurricane Feeds in the main window above
MyFox Hurricane (animated tracking models)
Tropical Atlantic Google Earth Forecast Models
National Hurricane Center - Home
National Weather Service - Fairhope
Baldwin County News Page ALDOT - Traffic Cameras
Baldwin County Amateur Radio Club MDOT - Traffic Cameras
Fairhope Utilities Power Outage FDOT - Traffic Cameras
Baldwin EMC Power Outage Page GDOT - Traffic Cameras
Riviera Utilities Power Outage Page LDOT - Traffic Cameras

Additional  Information
Fairhope Astronomical Information
sun moon chart
About This Weather Station
Citizen's Weather Observer Prog. ID: KC5LIO - AR152
Weather Underground Station ID: KALFAIRH6
PWS Weather Station ID: KC5LIOWX
Station Latitude: 30.518259° North
Station Longitude: 87.817122° West
Station Elevation: 95 ft. AMSL
Instrumentation: AcuRite 01035 modified
Software: Weather Display 10.37S-151
    This web site is for entertainment only and any data obtained here should not be relied upon for any other purpose.  The page is updated every 10 minutes.
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